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Welcome to ELL at THS

The English Language Learner (ELL) program at Tigard High School offers English Language development, sheltered content, and native literacy classes. English Language Learners will be assessed and placed into a program of the above classes that best suits their needs. Student schedules will be tailored to develop English literacy and complete content-area classes needed for graduation

English Language Development Courses:
After an English language proficiency assessment, students will be placed in an appropriate level of English language instruction. All levels are aligned with the English Language Proficiency functions and standards as determined by the Oregon Department of Education.

Sheltered English Teaching Courses:
Sheltered English Teaching (SET) classes are designed for ELL students whose level of English language proficiency. Usually no more than one third of the class is identified as ELL and an instructional assistant is assigned to the class. Teachers of SET classes will receive training in strategies proven to be effective in teaching English Language learners.

Native Literacy Courses:
Spanish Native Literacy courses are designed to help develop literacy in Spanish speakers’ native language. Native literacy courses have been shown to increase literacy not only in the student’s native language, but also in a second language.
