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Mentor Volunteer Program

Parent Mentor Program

career center


Providing one on one mentoring to Juniors and Seniors to extend and enhance the reach of the guidance counselor. Adult volunteers meet with assigned students to assist them with a variety of activities such as academic preparation, scholarship search and application, career exploration, college choice, and college application.

MISSION: To provide all Tigard High School Students with resources and the additional support they may need to achieve their post high school plans.

Parent Volunteer Mentors will meet one on one with an assigned group of JUNIOR AND SENIOR students to HELP students identify and reach their desired goals for life after high school.   Mentors will assist students with using the resources in the College/Career center and make students aware of opportunities available to them such as  4 year colleges, community colleges, vocational schools, scholarships and financial aid, SAT/ACT testing, career days, job shadows, internships, military, career research, apprenticeships and more.

 Responsibilities of a Parent Volunteer Mentor

 Meet at least once with assigned students their junior year (February-May)  and at least twice senior year or more as needed (September- February)  currently there is a 8 student to one mentor ratio.  

  • Mentors are also available to students throughout the year as needed
  • Assist students in defining their post high school goals and the action needed to achieve them
  • Become familiar with post secondary choices, as well as financial aid, college application, career exploration, etc. and teach students how to access these resources
  • Attend volunteer training meetings in February and September usually on Friday mornings


  • Desire and ability to work with teenage students
  • Sensitivity to challenges faced by teenage students
  • Interested in being trained in  post secondary areas including college application process, scholarship search, career information systems, etc.
  • Dependability and a strong sense of commitment - commit to participate in the program for 1 year - February through February.
  • All volunteers are screened, including a criminal background check


  • Training on how to successfully apply to college and obtain financial aid
  • Learning about options after high school including career exploration tools
  • Satisfaction of guiding, supporting, assisting and empowering students to find their life path and maximize their true potential

If you are interested in learning more about The Parent Volunteer Mentor program  please email  Jill Sims at  If you are interested in mentoring please fill out the mentor application.