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Tigard High School PSAT Test

Information for Registration

Are you considering attending a 4 year college after high school?  If the answer is YES there may be an Admission Test required during the application process.  There are 2 Admission Tests accepted by colleges-the ACT and SAT (written by the College Board).  There are over 4,000 colleges in the US and there is no preference in Admissions for either the ACT or SAT. 

TTSD students grades 9-11 have an opportunity to take an ACT test during the school day each year.  Grades 9 and 10 take a practice ACT and grade 11 takes the ACT Admission Test.


Students wanting to take the SAT sign-up through the College Board. The College Board also has a practice test called the PSAT.  This (optional) test is only offered 1 time a year.  This year at Tigard HS the test will be given on Saturday, October 14,. Taking the PSAT may qualify a student for scholarship opportunities either through the college the student attends, or as a National Merit Scholar (top 1% PSAT test takers score).  The PSAT is intended for students in their Junior year of high school.  Seniors should not take this test and it is optional for grades 9 and 10 (if there is space available).


**The PSAT at Tigard High School is only available on October 14, 2023** Test space is limited. 


Prior to the test date each student deciding to take the test MUST do the following: 

-Pay to register for the  test by September 20 deadline.  Payments of $35 can be made to the bookkeeper or via the (web store).

-Priority for registration will be given to current Juniors and test space is limited.

-Attend a 45 minute digital readiness training to be determined.  Info will be sent to student email by 10/11.


For more information about the PSAT, including details about content and suggested test prep, 


On the day of the test (Saturday-October 14, 2023) students must do the following: 

Arrive at Tigard High School (front entrance) by 8:00

Bring their fully charged chromebook to the test 

Students may bring an approved calculator, but the test app has a calculator available for student use the College Board website: 


For more information about the PSAT including details about content and test prep visit the following sites: