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Senior Tributes (Baby Ads)

Senior Tributes (formerly known as “Baby Ads”)

These can ONLY be purchased through our publisher’s website:

They will be on sale from 

Aug. 27, 2024 - Jan.15, 2025

Options available:

  • ½ page ad: $120, 6 photos max

  • ¼ page ad: $60, 3 photos max

  • ⅛ page ad: $30, 1 photo max

What you have to do to design and purchase one:  
  1. Go to the website listed above. If the options aren’t loading, try  opening the website in another browser (i.e. instead of Chrome, use Firefox or Explorer). 

  2. Enter in our school’s name (“Tigard High School”) and click “Shop the Store”. 

  3. Choose the options that best fit your style and messaging for your student. PLEASE WRITE YOUR STUDENT’S NAME ON THE TRIBUTE!

  4. Once payment has gone through, the yearbook staff will have access to the tribute and will be able to place it in the yearbook. 

Commonly asked questions:
  • Can you just design one for us if we send you the information? 

    • Unfortunately, no. There are a lot of requests from people and we want to make sure that you have the opportunity to make the tribute exactly as you want it. Frankly, it’s too special for us to potentially make mistakes. 

  • I missed the window to purchase one. Can I still buy one after January 15? 

    • You can ask (email:, but we can’t make any promises. It always depends on how close to our final deadline you’re making the request (as that determines how much room we have). Please don’t count on us being able to accommodate you. 


Please note: if there are any problems with your uploaded pictures (i.e. not high enough resolution, questionable content, etc.), we will be contacting you and asking for other pictures. Generally, you want to include JPGs with a 300 ppi resolution (or higher).