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Student Parking

THS Senior Student Parking Pass Application 2024-25 

NOTE: The final day to turn in your form and pickup a parking pass is on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th

Seniors will have priority first and in a few weeks after that we will open it up to the Junior class. Parking spots are assigned first come, first served for students who have submitted a registration application and payment. 

Must login in with STUDENT EMAIL to access the form. 

Parking permits for the school year are $50.00 and may be purchased online or in person with the bookkeeper. Purchase online to avoid lines. Questions? Check in with personnel in the Student Services office or call 503-431-5432 or email

The online payment portal is on the home page of Tigard High School under "Online Payments"

09/03/2024 UPDATE - 

Juniors, it's your time to shine! Fill out the Junior Parking Pass form if you are interested in parking on school grounds during the 2024-25 school year. This form must be submitted by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th. Due to limited parking space availability, a randomized lottery system will be used to approve student applicants. Approval notifications will be sent by email on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th (check your email). Purchase and pickup deadline for Junior parking passes is MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH. The form can be here: THS Student Services Linktree.

Juniors, ¡es tu tiempo de brillar! Complete el formulario de Pase de estacionamiento para estudiantes de 11º grado si está interesado en estacionarse en los terrenos de la escuela durante el año escolar 2024-25. Este formulario debe enviarse antes del LUNES 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE. Debido a la disponibilidad limitada de espacio de estacionamiento, se utilizará un sistema de lotería aleatorio para aprobar a los estudiantes solicitantes. Las notificaciones de aprobación se enviarán por correo electrónico el MARTES 10 DE SEPTIEMBRE (consulte tu correo electrónico de La fecha límite para comprar y recoger pases de estacionamiento para estudiantes de 11º grado es el LUNES 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE. El formulario se puede encontrar aquí: Linktree de servicios estudiantiles de THS.


Senior Student Parking Pass Application 2024-25